Govt Job
Rajiv Gandhi Center For Biotechnology Job Recruitment 2022:– Apply Now
Were are pleased to announce the latest available vacancies at the Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology. It is a wonderful opportunity for those who are very eager to get a job under the central Government. The Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology has announced the latest job vacancy and job-related notifications on its official website. As per the latest notification, Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology invites you to apply for the latest vacancies. The applicant is serious about their career and job and willing to work with the Central Government under Apply Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology after reading all pieces of information and notifications. It is advised to all applicants don’t wait for the next time, to complete their application through the link given below.
Before you start to apply for the job, kindly ask to follow our website and join our WhatsApp group. Our website Notebokpot shows an excellent opportunity for followers in their careers. Make sure you are one of the followers in our network. The website will publish several opportunities in the Gulf countries and the central and state government job and recruitment in the private sector.
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Online Application from 1-November -2022
The last date to submit an Online Application is 14- November- 2022
Rajiv Gandhi Center For Biotechnology Job Recruitment 2022:– Basic Details
Every complete detail regarding the job will be given below. The job vacancies and required qualifications are available in the notification as well. The applicants are advised not to forget to visit the Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology website and job notifications. The minimum details like qualification, salary and age limit will be given below.
Organization- Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology
Job Type- Central Government
Requirement Type: Temporary Recruitment
Post Name- Various
Job Location- Kerala
Salary: 27900+
Total Vacancy: 8
Apply Mode Online
Start Date- 01-October -2022
Last Date- 14-November- 2022
Rajiv Gandhi Center For Biotechnology Job Recruitment 2022:– Vacancy Details
The currently available vacancies and details for the Various worker under Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology are notified below. Please ensure by visiting the official notification. There are various available posts all over India.
POST Name: Typist/ Lower Division
Vacancy: 07
Salary: Rs. 19,900-63,200/-
POST Name: Junior Secretariate Assistant ( Finance and Accounts)
Vacancy: 2
Salary: Rs. 19,900-63,200/-
POST Name: Junior Secretariate Assistant ( Store and Purchase)
Vacancy: 03
Salary: Rs. 19,900-63,200/-
POST Name: Junior Stenographer ( Hindi and English)
Vacancy: 03
Salary: Rs. 25,500-81,100/-
POST Name: Assistant Manager (HR)
Salary: Rs. 40000-140000/-40000-140000/-
POST Name: Assistant Manager- Civil Engineer
Vacancy: 01
Salary: 35,000-/
Rajiv Gandhi Center For Biotechnology Job Recruitment 2022:– Age Limit
Those who want to work under this organisation and need to apply for this job should have to consider their age for offline applications. The age limitations are published on the job notification. There will be a reduction in the minority people like SC, ST and other backward communities. We will give the average age limit here you can check more details on the notification attached below.
Post: Typist/ Lower Division Clerk
Age: The age limit is 35 years as on November 14, 2022
Post: Junior Management Assistant
Age: The age limit is 35 years as on November 14, 2022
Post: Electrical Supervisor
Age: The age limit is 35 years as on November 14, 2022
Post: Purchase Officer
Age: The age limit is 35 years as on November 14, 2022
Post: Technical Assistant Group 1
Age: The age limit is 35 years as on November 14, 2022
Post: Technical Assistant 11
Age: Age limit 35 years as on November 14, 2022
Rajiv Gandhi Center For Biotechnology Job Recruitment 2022:– Educational Qualifications
An applicant who wants to apply for the latest available job under the Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology and one who is ready to apply online, please check your educational qualification. There are some criteria to fill the educational qualification. Before starting the application for the Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology's latest vacancy, go through the required educational qualifications presented in the job notification after that ensure the eligibility criteria on the educational qualification and do participate in the selection process.
Typist / Lower Division Clerk
Educational Qualification
Minimum Qualifications:- Plus Two / Higher Secondary / VHSE or equivalent with two years of documented work experience in Scientific Offices/Organisations/Institutions of Central or State Government. Certificate of English Typewriting with 45 w.p.m.Additional Desirable Qualifications Graduation from a Recognised Indian University
Junior Management Assistant
Educational Qualification
Graduation with a minimum two years of documented work experience in Scientific Offices/Organisations/ Institutions of Central or State Government
Electrical Supervisor
Educational Qualification
BE/B Tech in Electrical Engineering with 60% marks. Good academic background and sufficient work knowledge in the field.
Purchase Officer
Educational Qualification
Graduation with a Diploma in Material Management and Two years of documented work experience in Scientific Offices/ Organisations/ Institutions of Central or State Government, having worked in the Purchase/Stores Division.
Technical Assistant Group 1
Educational Qualification
Plus Two / Higher Secondary / VHSE or equivalent with two years of documented work experience in Scientific Offices/Organisations/Institutions of Central or State Government.
Technical Assistant Group 11
Educational Qualification
Graduate degree in Biotechnology or any branch of Life Sciences with 60% marks aggregate score.
Rajiv Gandhi Center For Biotechnology Job Recruitment 2022:– How to Apply
Applications in prescribed format with resume/curriculum vitae and attested copies of all necessary certificates, experience certificates and other supporting documents may be submitted by post to THE DIRECTOR, RAJIV GANDHI CENTRE FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY, POOJAPPURA, THYCAUD P.O, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695014, KERALA. Applications sent by post must contain on the envelope, the name and code number of the position applied for. Alternatively, applications can be sent by e-mail enclosing a single PDF file to on or before November 14, 2022. No other email addresses should be used for applying for these jobs. It would be considered as to influence the decision and candidature of the such applicant will be rejected.
Application: Click Here
Notification: Click Here
Website: Click Here