EL Race Construction Company Al Ain Latest Job Recruitment-2022:- Apply Now
മുഴുവൻ വായിച്ച് കഴിഞ്ഞാൽ അവസാന ഭാഗത്തിൽ APPLY NOW എന്ന് കാണാം. അവിടെയാണ് അപ്ലൈ ചെയ്യേണ്ടത്. മെയിൽ വഴിയോ, ഓൺലൈൻ വെബ്സൈറ്റ് വഴിയോ ആയിരിക്കും അപേക്ഷ.
NB: നിങ്ങളുടെ എല്ലാ വിവരങ്ങളും അടങ്ങിയ CV തയ്യാറാക്കിയിരിക്കണം.
If you are looking for a company job, there is an opportunity at El Race Construction Company. It invites you to apply for various posts. We are pleased to announce getting a job in the famous El Race Construction Company. It will help you to lead your life happily.
Before you start to apply for the job, kindly ask to follow our website and join our WhatsApp group. Our website Notebookpot shows a good opportunity for followers in their careers. Make sure you have followers in our network. The website will publish several opportunities in the Gulf countries and the central and state government job and recruitment in the private sector.
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EL Race Construction Company Al Ain Latest Job Recruitment-2022:- Basic Details
Are you looking for a Government Job: Click Here
EL Race Construction Company Al Ain Latest Job Recruitment-2022:- About the Company,
El Race Cons. & Gen. Cont. LLC, is one of the fastest growing construction firms in the United Arab Emirates. Since its launch in 1985 alongside its acquisition of wide array of plant equipment's and select team of highly-qualified personnel, we were able to seize and execute a diverse and far-reaching portfolio of major construction projects in almost all sectors of real estate and FM. Today, our current workload at hand stands to Hundreds of Millions worth of contracts.
El Race Cons. & Gen. Cont. LLC, is committed to building long-term relationships based on integrity Performance, value, and client satisfaction. We will continue to meet the changing needs our clients with our quality services delivered by the most qualified people.
EL Race Construction Company Al Ain Latest Job Recruitment-2022:- Available Vacancy
As per the El Rase Construction Company notification, we are providing you with a list of the number of vacancies available in the company El Race Construction Company. We do not provide all data Like your skill relevant to your current job. If you have skills or are interested in El Race Construction Company. job, and read the different posts to be hired.
Project Manager (1)
2) Civil Engineer (4)
3) QA/QC Engineer (1)
4) Structure Engineer (1)
5) Electrical Engineer (2)
6) Civil Forman (4)
7) Electrical Forman (3)
8) Secretary/Document Controller (3)
EL Race Construction Company Al Ain Latest Job Recruitment-2022:- How to Apply
After reading all the information regarding the job and Company and being willing to start your career in El Race Construction Company. you have to crack the interview conducted by the company. Prepare the best and most nice C.V
We are just providing the basic information about the job. Please do more research on this job information and we'll try to get the job. We are not responsible for any exploitation which you face from the recruitment company.
NB: Share this message with your friend and on social media. don't forget to mention specifically those who seek the job urgently.